Category: Uncategorized

  • Feb.21 Agendas

    Sexual Health: All students are expected to participate unless their parents have contacted Miss Danielson by Monday Feb.24. Science Newton’ Law Comic Due March 3At this point you should have an 3 examples of Newton’s Law in your sport, and a draft sketch of your comic. Skills Canada Forms. The following students are attending Skills…

  • Homework Feb. 20

    Science Newton’ Law Comic Due March 3 At this point you should have an 3 examples of Newton’s Law in your sport, and a draft sketch of your comic. Health- Being an Upstander Please complete your Health Worksheet “Bystander- Which one will you be?” and answer the questions on the back in full sentences. When…

  • Feb. 19 Homework

  • Math Quiz signed and returned to Miss D. Reminder no school Monday or Tuesday. See you Wednesday!

  • Unfortunately the class website is still getting blocked on the school’s network. Consequently, I am not able to post it on time everyday! I am working with I.T. to get this fixed. In the meantime… Here are some things coming up this week:

  • Tuesday Feb.4

    Snow Day! Enjoy some time outside!!! Don’t forget to complete your homework from yesterday too. If you’re keen to study for your quiz you could also check out the Extra Study/ Practice on the website!

  • Monday Feb.3

    Language Arts: DUE WEDNEDAY FEB.5Find a song that is school appropriate (no explicit content or language) that you think will pass the “Page Test”. The Page Test means that the song’s lyrics hold up on their own, and are engaging/ interesting to read because they use literary devices (similies, metaphors, personification, alliteration, or hyperboles). Print…