Language Arts: DUE WEDNEDAY FEB.5
Find a song that is school appropriate (no explicit content or language) that you think will pass the “Page Test”. The Page Test means that the song’s lyrics hold up on their own, and are engaging/ interesting to read because they use literary devices (similies, metaphors, personification, alliteration, or hyperboles). Print off the lyrics (either at home or in school).
*If your song is clean except for one word, please pring off a clean version of the song (i.e. delete or edit the inappropriate word before you print).
1) Finish the booklet on Fractions you were given in class today. If you were absent, there is a copy on your desk. We will mark the booklets tomorrow.
2) Math Quiz Retest this Friday (content will be the same or similar to last week: factors, GCF, equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, and mixed->improper fractions)

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