Division 10 Miracle Beach

Welcome to the class website for Div 10. Here you will find information about what we are learning, homework, and links for learning.

Term 2 Snapshot

Below you will find a snapshot of the Big Ideas and concepts we are learning this term. This is meant to be a brief overview of past/present/future learning and is subject to change.

Language Arts

Big Idea: Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully.

Students are learning about Literary Devices (similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, hyperboles, and imagery) and how to apply these to their creative writing. In class, we are practicing identifying and applying these techniques to poetry and song lyrics.


Big Idea: Mixed numbers and decimal numbers represent quantities that can be decomposed into parts and wholes.

This is a big unit! There are lots of important topics to cover such as:

  • Visualizing Fractions (parts of a whole, parts of a set)
  • Factors and Multiples
  • Equivalent Fractions
  • Simplifying Fractions (using the GCF- Greatest Common Factor)
  • Comparing and Ordering Fractions
  • Converting Mixed and Improper Fractions
  • Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents
  • Finding a percent of a number


Big Idea: Newton’s three laws of motion describe the relationship between force and motion.

Students are learning about Newton’s 3 laws and applying their understanding in new contexts such as:

  • How Newton’s Laws apply in space and on a space station
  • Applying the laws in sports and motion
  • Testing how force and mass apply in design challenges such as spaghetti bridges and gravity cars


Big Idea: Systems of government vary in their respect for human rights and freedoms.

Together we are learning about children’s rights and needs, and how those rights may vary from country to country. Topics may include:

  • Push and Pull factors in migration
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The difference between needs and wants
  • Human rights issues such as child labour
  • Charities and non-profits making a difference

Physical & Health Education

This term in Health we are focusing on strategies for responding to bullying and discrimination. Furthermore, in Physical Education we are practicing basketball skills such dribbling, shooting, passing and defensive strategies.


Students are working on a variety of creative projects, some of which are cross curricular. We are currently finishing our “Self-Portraits” in which students applied the Elements of Design to create a portrayal of themselves. Students will complete a reflection/ artist statement to elaborate on their creative decisions.

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